Stephanie Salerno | Parish Evening Secretary - St. Joseph The Worker

Stephanie Salerno

Parish Evening Secretary

I have been working here at St. Joseph the Worker Parish since 2006. I have grown up with a strong Catholic faith and so this church has always been a part of my life. In addition to working in the office I also volunteer many of my hours assisting the different committees.

Favourite Verse:

"The stone that was rejected by you, the builders; it has become the cornerstone."
Acts 4:11

Greatest Invention Ever:

The Internet

Favourite Band:

Bon Jovi

Actor To Play Me In A Movie:

Actor to play me in a movie: Who better to play me in a movie than.... me. Of course Leonardo Di Caprio will play my leading man.


Watching movies, listening to music, playing soccer, swimming and anything related to the dramatic arts.

Alter Ego:

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider

The Team

Father Mario Salvadori


Vlad G. Mamaradlo

Youth Pastor

Kevin Tablizo

Media Coordinator

Adelina Tang

Parish Secretary

Stephanie Salerno

Parish Night Secretary

Cathy Ferlisi

Catholic School Trustee