The motto chosen was submitted by Kimberly D., a Parishioner of St. Joseph the Worker, mother of two, married to Richard, first communion catechist and a Vice Principal at St. Augustine Catholic Elementary School
The motto is inspired by the bible verse; "Jesus died for all that those who live may live no longer for themselves but for Him who died and rose again for them." (2 Corinthians 5:15)
Living In Faith
We believe that "faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) We believe that in order for a person to reach their full potential, all three aspects of their being - physical, intellectual and spiritual - must be continually nourished and developed. A person who is physically and intellectually mature but is spiritually stunted is as useless as a two-legged stool. To live in faith is to see with both sets of eyes: the eyes of the body that see the physical and the eyes of the soul that see the spiritual.
Living In Faith Everyday
We believe that following Jesus Christ is not just a one hour commitment on Sundays or a checklist of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage or deciding to put your child in Catholic School. Following Jesus Christ is a daily commitment. People should notice a difference by how live our lives, how we see the world and the values that guide our decisions. Our daily life should be nourished by weekly attendance at Mass, frequent Confession, daily reading of the Bible and continual openness to the power of God the Holy Spirit.
Living In Faith Everyday For Jesus Christ
We understand that Jesus Christ sets high expectations for those who call themselves as His disciples. We believe that there must be a difference between disciples of Jesus Christ and those who follow other people. We are not simply disciples of Moses following the 10 Commandments. As God, the second person of the Trinity, Jesus added to the 10 Commandments and he commanded that we teach people His Commandments; "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you (Mt 28:19-20). As Disciples of Jesus Christ, we see life in terms of giving and not taking, we measure love in terms of selfless sacrifice and we believe that only in Jesus Christ will people reach their maximum potential, becoming the people God created them to be.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6), the Son of God and the only Saviour of the world. Life makes sense and has meaning only with Jesus, in Jesus, through Jesus and FOR Jesus.
St. Joseph the Worker is a place we can learn how to live our L.I.F.E. 4 J.C.